E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Wiki
Pic medkit

Medkit is a hand-held medication used for healing the body. This item consists of a large syringe with a gauge for measuring the status of the medkit's charge. When the medicine is injected, it provides immediate healing of the wounds.


The medkit builds a charge over time that is represented in an abstract manner by a glowing area that grows larger as the charge builds. The higher your Medicine skill, the quicker it charges. A medkit has a maximum charge that depends on your Medicine skill.

The player can use to inject himself (secondary fire) or others (primary fire) in order to heal them.


  • The medkit regenerates charge only when equipped. The medkit will not recharge whilst the player has something else equipped, such as a weapon.
  • The medkit can only be obtained from the Armory once it is researched, though it is immediately available for research and is very cheap as well.
  • If used below a charge of 20, the medkit has a chance to poison the player or their target - sometimes killing them, if their health is too low.
  • Medkits are very heavy, adding around 20% speed malus for a character with 30 strength.
  • Despite the significant weight, the ability to heal during single player without using energy (as opposed to using Alchemy) could be very helpful to energy intensive characters.
  • It is useful to note that medkits can be used limitlessly as they regenerate charge over time.